Temporary website | New website in the making


Hi there! Please excuse the current state of affairs here as I’m in the process of creating a brand new website that truly showcases my passion for photography.
In the meantime, I invite you to explore the glimpses of my work presented here or on my Instagram page.
For video work, please visit my Vimeopage.
I’m available for worldwide bookings.




(Very) short bio:
So I’m Chess, full time photographer/videomaker. I live near Ghent in Belgium, I love riding my old motorcycle, i’m happily married, father of two sons and I have a dog named Herman. 
Wedding couple in the Austrian mountains
Nina tonoli
Bride in couch
Diner Séparé by Tabloo Margot
Wedding in the Swiss mountains
Patershol Gent
Couple on rock in Belgium

Below you have access to some of my galleries.